Philippe Noel, MD

Philippe Noel, MD and Anna Berenstein, MD, PA

About Philippe Noel, MD

Dr. Noel graduated from the University of Brussels in Belgium where he completed his
Doctorate in Medicine and Surgery. He trained as an internist and graduated from State
University of NY Downstate Medical Center. Subsequently, he became a faculty member
at Downstate Medical College and worked as an attending in the Department of Medicine. For many years after, he worked as Assistant Director of Emergency Medicine and Ambulatory Care at Woodhill Hospital.

He has worked as the Director of Medicine at PN Consulting Med Services in Long Island
NY, for decades and remained involved in Internal Medicine.

Dr. Noel is certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine and his certification is current through 2021.

Languages: French, Spanish, Creole, Lingala, and English

Departments, Centers, & Programs:

Training & Credentials


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